We all encounter dips along our journey. Self-care is extremely important as we are in a marathon and not a sprint in whatever endeavor it is that we are pursuing. We can only reach our greatest potential through facing difficult challenges, and if you’re an entrepreneur you must seek out challenges in order to self-actualize. When you hit a roadblock, the following practices can help you manage those difficult emotions, and could be integrated into your daily routine.
An intense workout, whether it be running outdoors, CrossFit, or weight training offers so many benefits. One of the key benefits to working out is helping manage stress, and some Type-A entrepreneurs who consistently press hard find the only way to truly release tension is through intense, vigorous exercise. Using a notepad, or an app like Google Keep helps you jot down inspiration and ideas that come up during your workout.
For years writers have been using the Morning Pages journaling technique in order to clear their mind first thing in the AM, but this technique can also help entrepreneurs. It’s not just good for self-reflection, but also ideation, as well as processing difficult emotions. As covered in WebMD “researchers found that those with various medical conditions and anxiety who wrote online for 15 minutes three days a week over a 12-week period had increased feelings of well-being and fewer depressive symptoms after one month.” When we write first thing in the AM, we clear our mind and put those thoughts on paper which takes the power they have over us.
While meditation probably won’t help you calm difficult emotions like working out or journaling will, it will help you understand them, and yourself, better. It is not that meditation is overrated, it is not, it just takes time to build a practice, but it’s something where you can start to see results in a fairly short time if you’re consistently meditating even a few minutes a day. Understand that not everything you believe is true and that the thoughts and intense emotions which race through your mind during stressful situations are just that, thoughts.

Detox from social media
If there is one thing detrimental to your mental health it is spending time on your smartphone, particularly social media such as Instagram. Unless you’re professionally in the space of content and social media, the downside of being on social far outweighs the upside. The pull of social media is real, as we find ourselves scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, or even professional networks like LinkedIn, where we “compare and despair” when we view others’ carefully constructed lives online.
Social media use causes real damage as Medical New Today notes regarding a recent study: “the researchers saw that users who frequently checked their accounts had a more than twice as high a risk of depression than their less social media-oriented peers. This may partly be due to the fact that social networks create an artificial need to be available 24/7, to respond to messages and emoji reactions instantly.”
Go for a walk
This is something that is literally right outside your door, and in places like Israel, there is no lack of beautiful scenery to lose yourself in. A term used these days is “nature bathing” but it’s really nothing new as seeking to connect with nature is part of our DNA and what we’re hardwired to do. Taking a walk, (without your smartphone!) during the day is also a great way to press the ‘reset’ button on what is actually important as you step away from the day-to-day craziness.
Jonathan “Yoni” Frenkel is a content strategist and founder of YKC Media, a digital marketing agency that works with the global tech/venture/startup community.
Forbes Israel Contributors are independent writers that were individually picked by Forbes staff. The writers are experts in their field and they provide professional commentary and analysis of current events. The Contributor’s content isn’t sponsored