Panorays Protects Organizations From the Security Vulnerabilities of Vendors and Partners

Panorays Founders. Photo: Nicky Trok


Company: Panorays
Founders: Matan Or-El, Meir Antar, Demi Ben-Ari
Founded: 2016
Fund: $62 million
Employees: 120

Organizations increasingly rely on third-party vendors to provide essential services. Along with the obvious advantages these vendors provide, they also bring with them a level of risk, making companies more vulnerable to vendor and supply-chain related cybersecurity attacks.

The cybersecurity company, Panorays, offers an automated, comprehensive and easy-to-use third-party security platform that manages the whole process from inherent to residual risk, remediation and ongoing monitoring. Unlike other solution providers, Panorays combines automated, dynamic security questionnaires with external attack surface assessments and business context to provide organizations with a rapid, accurate view of supplier cyber risk. It is the only such platform that automates, accelerates and scales customers’ third-party security evaluation and management process, enabling easy collaboration and communication between companies and suppliers, resulting in efficient and effective risk remediation in alignment with a company’s security policies and risk appetite.

Panorays was founded in 2016 by Matan Or-El, Demi Ben-Ari and Meir Antar, all recognized as top cybersecurity experts who saw the nascent but quickly burgeoning market demand for a comprehensive, unified approach to protecting against third-party security breaches.

Panorays is a rapidly growing provider of third-party security risk management software, offered as a SaaS-based platform. The company serves enterprise and mid-market customers primarily in North America, the UK and the EU, and has been adopted by leading banking, insurance, financial services and healthcare organizations, among others. Headquartered in New York and Israel, with 120 employees in offices around the world, Panorays has raised $62 million since its inception. It is funded by numerous international investors, including Aleph VC, Oak HC/FT, Greenfield Partners, BlueRed Partners (Singapore), StepStone Group, Moneta VC, Imperva Co-Founder Amichai Shulman and former CEO of Palo Alto Networks Lane Bess.

Panorays’ team members bring a broad array of skills and knowledge to help customers reduce their vendor risk exposure and keep their companies secure while also building better relationships and collaboration. Whether working with customers to interpret the results and risks identified through an external assessment  of a vendor, or helping customers create and vendors respond to security questionnaires, Panorays focuses on accelerating the pace of doing business securely. This means moving faster, providing more third-party and vendor coverage, and shifting to automated streamlined workflows that save time and free up customers’ security teams to do more with the same level of resources. Customers love Panorays and they love Panorays’ team for the same reason; because we help them be more secure with less effort.

Lena Vatmacher, Global VP People Panorays: “We select employees based on a combination of capabilities and experience, along with the potential we see in the individual and the ability to integrate into Panorays’ special DNA. The company employs a wide and diverse group of people who together create real impact. We pride ourselves in providing career opportunities and advancement based on an individual’s potential and capabilities and not necessarily based on an impressive  resume. This is how we recently recruited teachers, lawyers, mentors and social workers, for some of whom this is their first opportunity to work in high-tech.

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