Public speaking can inspire, motivate, and educate an audience | Photo: Kathleen Mello-Navejas
Public speaking can inspire, motivate, and educate an audience | Photo: Kathleen Mello-Navejas

Face-To-Face Public Speaking Events on a Rise in Companies: Tips to Motivate Employees, Says Kathleen Mello-Navejas

The author of Moving Magic Money, Kathleen Mello-Navejas, motivates people to find their greatness. She shares her tips for encouraging employees


Many employees need motivation during these times because of the unprecedented changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are dealing with increased stress and uncertainty, which can decrease productivity and morale. Motivating employees can help to keep them engaged and encouraged to continue doing their best work despite the difficulties they may be facing.

For Author and Speaker Kathleen Mello-Navejas, one tool to help revive employees has been public speaking. Mello-Navejas is the author of Moving Magic Money, a book that aims to motivate and inspire women in today’s ever-changing world. She also speaks at public events private for businesses, organizations, churches, and more.

I motivate people to find their greatness. During my talks, I let the audience apply a special formula that ultimately helps them believe in themselves again and manifest their dreams,” Mello-Navejas said.

The average attention span of the average person is 8.25 seconds, according to a World Trade Center report | Photo: Shutterstock

Motivating people through face-to-face interactions

Making a lasting impression on an audience is not always easy. According to a World Trade Center report, the average attention span of the average person is only 8.25 seconds, and online setups provide further distractions on top of people’s already dwindling attention span.

My core message is that life is magical when you open yourself up to dream and live big. But to maximize the experience with my formula for manifesting goals, people also need to be willing to step out of their comfort zone,” Mello-Navejas said.

“In our new normal, public engagements are best done physically. Actual human interactions such as learning, expressing, and inspiring translate better,” she added.

5 steps to create a compelling message that motivates company employees

Mello-Navejas is adept at interacting with individuals from various walks of life and knows the unique challenges that workers face. She provides five straightforward tips to leave a lasting impression in any organization:

“People need to be willing to step out of their comfort zone,” says Mello-Navejas | Photo: Shutterstock

1. Plan and prepare thoughtfully

Preparation will make one feel more confident and organized when presenting. It is also an opportunity to practice, allowing the speaker to anticipate and address any questions or concerns from the audience.

“Preparation is key. It makes you better able to handle any unexpected events or issues that may arise during your presentation,” Mello-Navejas shares.

2. Make a strong entry

Another component that audiences should notice is an opening statement that gets everyone’s attention. It will directly impact how the rest of the talk will unfold. A strong introduction can also establish credibility, introduce the topic, capture the audience’s attention, and provide a clear focus for the rest of the speech.

3. Create an interactive experience for the audience

During a recent health and wellness talk, Mello-Navejas’ presentation had music, humor, and other interactive parts, eliciting plenty of positive feedback from the audience. “A dash of fun always helps keep the conversation light and fruitful,” she says.

Motivating employees can help to keep them engaged and encouraged | Photo: Shutterstock

4. Continue to learn from the audience

Public presenters should practice documenting constructive criticism to help them develop their narratives. Even a brief conversation with the audience following the presentation conveys the sense that one is willing to improve their trade. Additionally, sending thank-you notes might aid with audience retention.

5. Stay true to the audience

According to Mello-Navejas, nothing beats authenticity and honesty. Listeners can see through a speaker’s intentions. Leading and speaking with sincerity create a more lasting and effective impact on audiences.

Continuously inspiring employees and organizational members

Public speaking can inspire, motivate, and educate an audience. Speakers like Mello-Navejas can use their platform to spread positive messages, share success stories, and empower others to take action.

“We must hold our audience’s attention with everything we say. Our failure as public speakers occurs when participants are left with nothing to consider or discuss,” she shared.

To help workers manifest their dreams better, Mello-Navejas makes herself available for speaking engagements in businesses and various organizations. By delivering an engaging and thought-provoking speech, a public speaker can create an atmosphere of optimism and hope and make meaningful connections with audience members.

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