Video conferences were a significant contribution to the patients' motivation to take advantage of the opportunity | Photo: Shutterstock
Video conferences were a significant contribution to the patients' motivation to take advantage of the opportunity | Photo: Shutterstock

Good Hair Day: global hair transplant market made $ 6.5 billion in 2021

Growing awareness of appearance, advanced technologies, and personal services turned the surgical procedure into an empowering and prestigious personalized experience. Hair transplants for men have become the hottest trend and Wish Clinics - a global leader


International news agency Global News Wire recently published some unprecedented data about one of the hottest trends in cosmetic surgery: the hair transplant market is expected to reach $28 billion by 2027, which is 4.5 times the market scope in 2020.

These data do not surprise Asaf Noff, Co-founder and joint CEO of Wish Clinics, which provides a few more exciting numbers: “Last year, the International Association of Hair Restoration Surgery published data we witness daily: in 2020, one million hair transplant surgeries, and it is probable to assume that video conferences and Zoom were a significant contribution to the patients’ motivation to take advantage of the opportunity and realize their dream of going back to a full head of hair.

Another known fact was that 84% of the patients were men, with half under 40 and another 25% between 40 and 50. Concerning the future, I believe this trend will continue to increase as time goes by.”

Technological developments, personal awareness, and a luxury experience 

What’s leading all these men to make their dream come true? Jonathan Schiffer, Wish Clinics Co-founder and joint CEO, outlines three primary reasons: “The first and what I think is the most crucial reason is without a doubt the technological developments, which allow for a simple, rapid, and safe procedure that grants a full head of hair in a quite short time, and most importantly, a natural look for a long time.

The second reason is increased awareness of our appearance: a recent study conducted by Wales University showed that men suffering from baldness report a decline in their confidence and self-assuredness. This simple procedure restores their sense of value and self-esteem.

The third reason, as we identify it at Wish Clinics, is the ability to turn the procedure into an experience that is luxurious, indulgent, and empowering, from the site and the first conversation to the monitoring and follow-up after surgery.”

Founders of Wish Clinics | Photo: WISH CLINICS

FUE – The method that has become a hit

One of the reasons for the rising trend is, without a doubt, the FUE method – follicular unit extraction, which takes hair follicles from the back of the scalp, the chest, and other parts of the body, and transplants them in the thinner areas. Using the patient’s own hair follicles leads to a result that looks natural.

The procedure is especially short and takes only four hours under local anesthesia, after which the patient is released from the hospital and may return to his daily routine rapidly, with the new hair growth within 3-4 weeks.

Another new method is called DHI – Direct Hair Transplant – which is similar to FUE, but is used in cases where more extensive areas of the scalp are to be covered.

“The ability to provide patients with a natural look that integrates smoothly into the patient’s original hairline is a result of these two advanced techniques as well as our expertise and the vast experience our surgical staff has at Wish Clinics.

Our patients meet with hair transplant experts in the initial stages, who present all the surgical options that are available, with uncompromising adherence to the medical and professional standards as well as the aesthetic aspects of the results,” Noff adds.

Two globally reputed centers, one excellent address

Wish has developed a groundbreaking methodology that enables patients to enjoy the best of all worlds: a variety of experienced hair transplant professionals at globally renowned centers in Turkey and Mexico; professional accompaniment by excellent staff members; choice of destination based on personal preference and lifestyle, and most importantly: an unprecedented service and treatment experience.

The experience enjoyed by Wish Clinics patients starts close to home, in a diagnostic meeting with hair transplant experts, after which the patient enjoys prestigious VIP treatment, where our staff arranges an accommodation package in the destination country which includes flight, hotel, and travel reservations, booking of the specialist surgeon and handling of all auxiliary logistics.

The FUE method – follicular unit extraction is one of the reasons for the rising trend | Photo: Shutterstock

When the patient lands at the destination, they meet the local Wish Clinics staff who accompanies them to the hotel, oversees transit to and from the clinic, and provides for all the patient’s needs and desires. Upon returning from the destination country, the patient will benefit from professional follow-up post-surgery.

The entire Wish Clinic staff speaks impeccable English, allowing our patients to benefit from attentive and professional service in every step.

Changing the rules in the hair transplant market

As noted, the hair transplant market is still very far from saturation, and Wish Clinics, which has become one of the major international players in the arena, intends on reinforcing its status as a market leader. “To date, we have successfully completed 25,000 hair transplant procedures at our centers in Mexico and Turkey, with our satisfied clients becoming our best ambassadors and salespeople.

The expertise and excellence of our staff, the competitive rates, and the luxurious personalized experience that turns a medical procedure into a pampering individual or couples’ vacation, make our package something unique and in-demand, providing us a significant competitive edge.” 

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