
Although it is hard for us to accept it, we are also "machines" | Photo: Shutterstock

Rise of the Machines: Artificial Intelligence – Risks and Opportunities

Along with the promise of AI comes a significant peril: the rise of machines that may surpass us in intelligence to the point of deeming us superfluous, potentially eliminating humans. You may be surprised to learn that if this were to happen, it wouldn’t be the first time

A brand new Forbes 30/30 podcast with the Co-Founder and the CEO of Armis Security, Yevgeni Dibrov | Photo: Forbes Israel

How to Spy on a Board Meeting in 2022? A Brand New Forbes 30/30 Podcast

Forbes Israel launches a series of podcasts featuring some of the most promising Under30 young talents ⋅ The first episode hosts the co-founder and CEO of Armis Security ⋅ How to maintain the security of so many different devices and what is the weakest link in most organizations? Noa Oron talks to Yevgeny Dibrov about the Global Cyberwar

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