Ron Nissim and Avi Zetser
Age: 25, 27 >> Founders of Entitle
דירוגי פורבס 30UNDER30 2024 Even in a year so challenging and full of upheavals, these young Israelis show us that despite everything, we can –
Rankings The World’s Jewish Billionaires In many ways, the list of global Jewish billionaires is anything but a wealth list detailing total assets and net
Rankings Despite the financial markets turmoil and the soaring inflation, the wealth of Israel’s 100 richest people, increased this year by 10% to a total
Leading The Way: The Cyber Security Companies That Are Changing The World Protecting autonomous vehicles, optimizing data-security processes, or managing the organization’s entire cloud apps
Power Women: The Prominent Investors In The Israeli High-Tech In recent years there has been great progress integrating women in management and leadership positions in
The Most Promising Young Israeli Startups in New York
Special Project: Best Doctors 2021
Forbes presents its’ most extensive doctors list, which includes 1,530 doctors from 37 specializations and 177 sub-specializations